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Company details
Laska Computers
Deltazijde 10b
Email Us
NL -001504242B88
a robust, high volume cash drawer the std2000, which accepts the majority of european currencies, is a tough & dependable cash drawer designed to offer generous storage and a stable, strong epos platform for a prolonged lifetime. high capacity the removable insert can accomodate 8 coins and 4 notes. extra deep coin cups and note compartments allow for a substantial quantity of cash to be stored within the drawer with additional storage underneath the coin compartments. durable with a robust steel construction and steel ball bearing runners, the std2000 is a hard wearing cash drawer suitable for a wide range of retail environments. multiple storage the drawer also provides further storage behind the insert, with an area that can be adapted to hold a variety of media or high value items. functional the removable coin cups sit in a lift-out tray to make it easy to transport the coins to the back office.